With the murder of Metropolitan Vladimir in Kiev on January 25,1918, the river of martyric blood began to flow upon the Russian land. This innocent archpastor truly folowed in the footsteps of His Saviour unto death. He was characterized by acts of love and care for his flock: warmly inspiring the youth helping the destitute and trying to save lost sheep and prodigal sons of the Church. Meek and humble, he set an example of self- sacrifice for all his clergy and won the hearts of the faithful. An eyewitness relates that as he was being led to the place of his execution, he lifted his arms to heaven and prayed aloud: “O Lord, forgive my sins, voluntary and in voluntary, and accept my spirit in peace.” Then he blessed his murderers with both – hands and said, “God forgive you.” A volley of shots rang out and his body was left lying in a pool of blood until it was discovered the next morning by the faithful. The day of the tragic death of Russia’s oldest hierarch was proclaimed as a day of annual prayer for all Russian martyrs and confessors of the faith slaughtered during the bloody period of communist persecutions.