Archbishop Dimitry began his labors in Christ’s vineyards as a parish priest. in a poor neighborhood of his native Petersburg. After the Revolution Fr. Dimitry became a widower and in 1926, with the arrival of the new Metropolitan Joseph to the city, he was tonsured a monk and consecrated bishop. Following his couageous Metropolitan,, Bishop Dimitry did not recognize the “Declaration” of Metropolitan Sergius and acted as Metropolitan Joseph’s representative in the historic Petrograd Delegation which protested that the course of action taken by Metropolitan Sergius amounted to a betrayal of Christ and His Church. He addressed the Metropolitan: “. . a time of confession has come and I wish to suffer for Christ; but you, by your Declaration, instead of a path to Golgotha propose that we stand on the path of collaboration with a God-fighting regime. His uncompromising stand for the’ purity of the Church earned him a martyr’s crown. In 1929. at the age of 75, he was arrested and after 8 years of solitary confinement in the Yaroslavl prison, he was shot in 1938 (date unknown).