News has just reached the West of the release of Fr. George Calciu, perhaps the most celebrated Romanian Orthodox prisoner whose cause has been championed by several groups in the West. This indeed is a miracle for which all Orthodox should offer prayers of thanksgiving to God. Although hopes for his release had been raised earlier this summer in connection with the approach of the 40th anniversary of Romania’s “liberation” (August 23), these hopes faded when it was announced in the August l0 edition of Romania’s communist Party newspaper that only those prisoners serving sentences of five years or less would be eligible for amnesty. The release of Fr. George, who was sentenced in 1979 to ten years, was quite clearly an answer to prayer.

     According to the latest available information, Fr. George and his wife may emigrate to Switzerland, where their son is already living. Since his release on August 20, Fr. George and his wife have been kept away from journalists at a location on the Black Sea.

(“Creed News,” Fall, 1984; KNS #206)

     Fr. George, whose faith has stood the test of the most inhumane prison conditions, is known to readers of The Orthodox Word which published two years ago his inspiring series of Lenten sermons, “Christ Is Calling You.” Plans are underway to have these published as a separate book.